Hey, Reader
Warren Buffett said that people do not feel the weight of their habits until the habits become too heavy to break.
For most of my life I have had pretty healthy habits.
Consistently working hard, working out and being on a good diet to keep a good physique.
But I have also had a lot of unhealthy ones as well.
Staying up way too late, partying way too much, losing focus on my goals and what I wanted to achieve.
Saying yes to every trip, event, dinner you name it.
I thought I was focused, but I wasn’t.
I look back and wonder how much more I could have achieved. I also wonder where I would be today if I had better goals and more concrete habits to keep me focused.
Habits Form Whether You Want Them Or Not
Are the results I am expecting aligned with the habits I am following each day?
Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
No one vote will change your beliefs.
But, as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your identity.
This is why habits are crucial. They cast repeated votes for being that type of person.
Regardless what you’re doing everyday that’s a habit good or bad.
If you’re doing dumb shit all of the time, you probably won’t start good habits out of nowhere.
Most people expect good lives but still do the same shit that made them unhappy and broke.
People don’t act to change the lives they want. The road to what they want is too hard.
So, they keep going down the same path they’ve been on for years without changing.
Set Clear Goals And Better Habits
- You’re more focused on what you want
- You become happier and more organized
- You start to gain more self confidence
- You stop wasting days of your life
- You become more successful
- You become more knowledgable
- You start to grow and delete bad habits
Chains of Habit
Most people are busy doing nothing.
Their life is dictated by the notifications that pop up on their phone screen. They attack the most urgent one at any one time.
Our brains love shiny objects because its a distraction from the work that you should be doing.
Most people don’t have any good to build on.
Creating some small daily habits isn’t hard. But, you don’t see the results for a long time.
They don’t have an impact until later.
Even if people try to create new habits, they never stick with it.
They go back to their old ways because the pain of growth hurts more than the pleasure of comfort.
Don’t you think you could create one new healthy habit a month?
Imagine how focused and driven you would be after a year. You had 12 new healthy habits.
They would bring much growth to your life.
To live a healthy, fulfilling life that doesn’t have chaos and limiting beliefs.
You have self-confidence and growth from developing these habits. You endured pain to become who you want to be.
- Being more focused on your goals
- Creating a new habit every month
- Having an accountability partner
- Celebrate your wins
- Posting on social media to hold you accountable
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1% Improvement In Everything That You Do
The aggregation of marginal gains.
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.
1% better everyday, you’re 37x better than you were by the end of the year.
Good habits make time your ally.
bad habits make time your enemy.
4 Stages Of Habit Formation:
- Noticing
Specifically state the intention of the behavior, having a plan. (I will workout 20mins a day)
You think you need more motivation, but in reality you just need a plan.
I don’t feel like working out everyday but I have set times that I hold myself accountable to do so.
Give your goals a time and place to live.
Imagine 6 months from now and you failed at your goal.
Tell yourself why you failed, what happened and start to develop a plan.
- Wanting
One of the most overlooked things is your environment.
We want things because we desire them.
If you want to read more, put a book on your pillow before bed.
Reposition productive apps on your phone so they’re on the front screen.
If you want to learn the guitar put it in your living room so you see it all the time.
Your environment shapes you, your willpower might work for a day, a week, but you can’t form positive habits in a negative environment.
- Doing
Sitting around trying to perfect what your trying to do is holding you back.
Focus on the skill, get your reps in.
More repetitions that you put in, the more you get out.
If you’re thinking about doing it, just start. Any habit can be started within 2 minutes.
Optimize for the starting line, not the finish line.
- Liking
The only reason we repeat behaviors is because we enjoy them. You need to experience rewards along the way.
Good habits have a cost, but the reward is delayed. (hit the gym now but you don’t see the rewards until later)
Bad habits have an immediate reward. You eat the cookie, get your sugar high, and then get overweight or unhealthy faster.
Don’t break the chain.
Get a big calendar.
Any day that you do your task put an X on that day, you’ll fail, that’s okay.
But you will start a chain and you won’t want to break the chain.
When you see that chain, it releases dopamine.
You wont want to break the chain so internally you feel achievement.
The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader.
The goal is not to become a bodybuilder, the goal is to go to the gym.
The goal is not to write a book, but to become a writer.
To become someone new, make small changes again and again. They can change your identity.
Its about believing that you can become someone new and that you can do so.
If you can change your habits, you can change your life.
That’s it for this week. If this helped you be a pal and send this to someone that it will help.
Your Montana Friend,
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Have a positive week,