Tricking Yourself To Success

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” –Albert Einstein

“Have you ever looked at your life and thought to yourself, man, I’m so far from where I want to be. How do I get out of this? Have you ever felt hopeless about improving your life?

Have you ever wondered why you keep spiraling in the wrong direction? Do you wonder why you can’t stop going in the wrong direction over and over again?

Today, I want to teach you how I went from asking myself those same questions. I brainwashed myself to succeed. If that’s you, I want you to know that I too was there at one point in my life.

When I was 21 I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I thought I was going to play football forever, retire and live happily ever after. Those were about the extent of my thoughts. I was good at blue-collar work because that’s all that I did at that point in my life.

I didn’t know where to go. So, I kept going down the same path as the rest of my family and friends. I didn’t know what else to do.

I believe this is how 99% of people in the world feel.

I would also say that the majority of people also get it wrong. They use their negative thoughts and feelings as reasons as to why they don’t succeed, rather than reasons to succeed. They use their negative thoughts and emotions to do nothing about it.

I don’t feel motivated, I have bad anxiety, I’m too upset, I’m too depressed. Nothing is going right in anything that I do. Think about how many times you’ve told yourself those things. Or, you’ve had negative inner dialogue that’s been holding you back.

I’m no better than you, I’ve had the exact same things happen. But I refused to believe that there wasn’t another way.

Most of our lives we’ve been told that negativity is a bad thing. “Having these thoughts and having these feelings, we need to rid ourselves of them. There’s something wrong with us, right?

If we feel bad feelings and think bad thoughts, we should stop. They mean something is wrong. We’re going in the wrong direction.

I’m here to tell you that 1% of people succeed. They have brainwashed themselves to success, like I have. They know it’s the exact opposite.

They actually use those negative thoughts and emotions as fuel to get what they want.

In fact, the top 1% of people have the same negative thoughts and feelings as the 99%.

They see them as tools to succeed rather than things to fear and avoid. Most of us have been brainwashed. It’s taught us that these thoughts and feelings are bad and negative.

It says they mean there’s something wrong with us.

You’re gonna have these thoughts and this self-doubt. Everybody does that’s human nature.

But over time, if you take those negative thoughts and listen to what you tell yourself. Then, correct it with a positive mantra of what you want. That’s when things start to shift.

I didn’t know if I would ever be as successful as I wanted. Had no idea. But what I did know is that there’s a lot of successful people in this world, so what makes them any different from me?

Now I’m speaking to you after years of working on myself, this isn’t going to change for you overnight.

I want to make that clear. It’s not an easy thing to do. But there is greatness inside of you.

You see, there’s one thing about momentum is that it either can work for you or against you.

Your life either continues to get worse and worse, or it continues to get better and better. It all comes back to the energy and outlook that you have.

In my life it’s been a rollercoaster.

It took me a while to find real success. But, then I did. I went on cruise control and just went with the flow of life. I didn’t put in much effort to get better.

Then, I hit rock bottom with my meal-prep store and got a DUI. I had to uber or walk everywhere and struggled to make ends meet.

I decided to buckle down and focus again. My life started to get much better, and I was living well again.

Business was great, but then I once again, got complacent

I sold a business and wasn’t sure what to do, or what I wanted to do. It’s a weird time in life when you have something one day, and then the next you don’t. It’s almost like a breakup in a way.

I was kinda lost, not putting effort into things and going with the flow because I didn’t need to make money. I lost sight of who I am and what I want to do.

In the last couple of years, I’ve decided to rededicate myself to my roots and who I am to my core.

The only way for me to do this is to reprogram my brain and learn how to manage my thoughts.

I needed to undo my habits. They had created my situation. I replaced anything negative with a positive.

Here’s an example. I would ask myself, “If I don’t stop drinking and partying like I used to, what will my life be like in three years, five years?”

I wouldn’t be in the same relationship that I want to be in. I wouldn’t be as successful as I would like. I wouldn’t have a family. I would feel depressed and constantly have negative thoughts.

Start asking yourself better questions. They will paint a better picture of your path.

If you’re not scared of what the future will look like if you keep going down this path, the picture isn’t ugly enough.

Why did I go on a bender, travel with the guys, and do things that I shouldn’t have been doing?

I couldn’t handle the frustration and anxiety of my past bad choices. So, I just kept digging a hole.

On my journey to brainwash myself to success, I learned something. I used to have very low frustration tolerance.

Things weren’t going my way, I would’ve masked it by doing dumb shit, instead of dealing with it in a positive manner.

Successful people are good at handling frustration, obstacles, and challenges. Those things get in their way.

They overcome them, find a solution and move forward.

There’s an answer to every one of our problems, you have to figure out what it is and deal with your frustration.

Whatever your frustration is, what’s the reason behind it?

We spend so much time in life trying to get rid of anxiety, stress, and frustration. Why not accept it for what it is? Look at it for what it is and sit with it, welcome it.

Give yourself some affirmations and believe it. You’ve felt life without anxiety and frustration, remember that moment.

If affirmations don’t work for you, go a different route. I’m becoming a person who doesn’t have X, Y, Z feelings. These are feelings, and they don’t define me. These will pass.

If I work hard and commit, I will still feel anxious, hungry, and alone at times. Because I’m on this journey alone, but I can do it.

Other mental cues help me when I’m trying to raise my frustration tolerance. One is that, if I’ve done it once, I can do it twice.

If we can get ourselves to do something scary or anger-provoking, you can do it again.

Anything in life that’s worth it or good for you isn’t easy.

The sooner you can accept that all things great in life are hard, you will learn to appreciate obstacles a little more, even though they’re fucking annoying.

Here are four questions I ask myself when I don’t know what to do. I ask them because I have very strong emotions and racing negative inner dialogue.

1. Is It True?

Is the thing I’m thinking, say the thought is, “I got lucky in business; I’ll never see that type of success again. Is it true? Well, it feels true, right? But is it true?

Probably not. Is it absolutely true? I mean, it’s not absolutely true because I haven’t tried everything on this planet, right? So, it can’t be absolutely true.

2. Have I Tried Everything?

It’s not true because I haven’t tried everything on this planet, right? So it can’t be absolutely true. Okay, so it’s not absolutely true that I’ll never sell another business and have a huge success again.

3. How does this thought make me feel?

When I think to myself, I’ll never see massive success again, how do I feel? Discouraged, frustrated, anxious, depressed, sad, right? So is that a productive thought? Probably not.

4. What would I do if I didn’t believe this thought?

Well, if I believed it was possible to build another massive brand, I might actually try harder. I would actually learn new skills, create organic content, utilize my massive network. I would apply myself more, contact and surround myself with people who have lives that I want.

I would skip trips and fun with friends. I would feel like I was chasing a goal that I would achieve.

These really help me and I hope that this can help overcome any obstacle in your life that you’re facing today as well.

That’s it for this week. If this has helped you please send it to a friend or someone in need.

Checkout my new youtube channel.

Your Montana Friend,


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Have a positive week,


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