Think about the moments you’ve been your best.
What defined those moments?
It wasn’t the pressure of working hard, nor the commitment to get up early or the success of the achievement.
You felt bad. Everyone celebrated you for something you didn’t want to do. You also felt bad when you did what motivational speakers tell you to do.
You feel your best when you’re your authentic self.
When you’re around your best friend or sibling, you feel comfortable. You feel that you’re not being judged.
You laughed at dumb jokes so hard that your stomach hurt. You’ve gone all in on something you believed in.
When you let your inner child have free rein and dance around like a fool.
Being the best version of yourself starts with allowing yourself to be free.
Surrounding yourself in a positive environment is crucial to your success.
It’s cliché as fuck, but setting yourself up for success is half of the battle to staying disciplined.
It’s as ridiculous as putting your gym outfit on your bed before you sleep. You do it so you can start your day with exercise.
Being the best version of yourself starts with allowing yourself to be free to be yourself.
That being said. The best moments were when you could have hidden, but didn’t. They showed the version of yourself you admire most.
So, to become better, commit more fully to each moment you’re in.
This is synonymous with: Living life more fully, doing more, or being more present.
It’s not about growing or becoming more. It’s not about improving or pushing yourself in normal ways. And it’s not about following any rules or tips. It’s about letting go of what stops you from being you.
To be your best, you must first let go of all the standards you hold yourself to. Most weren’t things you truly wanted.
Don’t go to the gym if you hate it, don’t get up early, and don’t work that hard.
But you’re never going to get where you want to be by being a lazy ass.
Unless you win the lottery, then in that case don’t forget about me.
However, if you do want to get in better shape, take control of your health and mindset. Here are some positive triggers for you.
- Write out the tasks you want to accomplish the next day.
- Put your book and journal in your spot where you sit and drink coffee.
- Set alarms on your phone for breaks. Take a walk, get moving.
- Get decor with positive messages that surround you where you work.
- Stay hydrated and take your vitamins every day so you can perform at your best.
- Change your passwords to inspiring words.
- Only grocery shop on the outside edges of the store. The stuff in the middle is shit.
- Put your kids, family members, or a picture of that vacation on which you’re working. It will remind you what’s important.
If you put this into practice, it will have a massive impact on your life. It takes only a sliver of effort.
As you start this and you’re going throughout your day, take stock in your surroundings and what they are.
Are they positive?
If not, take a few minutes and write down a few ideas on how you can change it so you can get on a better path.
To be the best versions of ourselves we’ve got to be ourselves.
So what works for me probably won’t work for you.
You need to tailor it to your life and don’t be so hard on yourself.
It’s all ebbs and flows of life.
No day is the same, that’s the beautiful thing about it.
Each day is a lesson that you can learn something from yourself or from somebody else.
You’ve got to start listening to the things that you want and commit to those.
The more you feel like you’re trying to be someone else, the further you’re going to get from your authentic self.
Most people think that being the best involves changing who you are. But it’s about accepting who you are. Then, you must commit more to what’s already there.
I’ve been in a massive life transformation for two to three years now.
I have instilled amazing habits into my life, I listen to myself more.
I don’t accept negative inner dialogue.
I say something negative to myself or think it’s a bad thought. Then, I automatically correct it with something positive.
I used to be the fun guy, super outgoing, and afraid to miss out on anything.
The older I get, the more I want to be at home with my girlfriend, dogs, and be alone.
It’s going to take time, effort, and above all, commitment to yourself and your own life.
But it can be simple.
- Identify the things you want out of your life. Who you want to be.
- Look at things you don’t want. Don’t listen to people who aren’t where you want to be.
- Don’t judge yourself for whatever it is that you want or don’t want. We’re all different. Things I want you don’t and vice-versa.
- Invest as much time in the important things you can. Obsess over your hobbies. Learn a new skill or start a business about something you’re interested in.
- Besides your family, nobody really gives a shit about what you’re doing. So stop having anxiety about it. They’re too consumed with the mess in their own lives. I promise. The quicker you realize that, the happier you’ll be.
You don’t have to listen to me. But you should listen to yourself.
You can wake up early. You can eat healthy. You can skip relationships. You can make money. You can do all the other things that the world says are good for you.
But you’ll never feel happy with who you are until you decide that you want these things for you.
Until you’ve got motivation and discipline, life will be a burden. It will chain you to a person you didn’t want to be.
I’ll leave you with this.
If you had no fear, would you be working the same job, in the same relationship, live in the same place?
If you were the last person on earth, and were rich, popular, and free, and had nothing to prove, what would you do? Who would you become?
That’s all I got for ya this week. I hope it helped you, if it did, send it to someone else in need.
It’s summertime and also hot as hell. Make sure you stay healthy and hydrated.
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Until next week.
Your Montana Friend,
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Have a positive week,
Your Montana Friend,
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Have a positive week,