Winning The War With Your Mind

“Someone with half your IQ is making 10x as you because they aren’t smart enough to doubt themselves.” – Ed Latimore

I’m sending this a day later than normal because of the holiday weekend. I figured I’d give your inbox a break from all the sales from internet brands you’ve bought from before trying to get money from you.

How society thinks. Work hard and someone will notice you. Then, ask their permission to get a promotion or bonus, if you’re lucky.

Hard work doesn’t make people rich. If it did, then my uncles and family would have generational wealth. That’s just not how it works.

Following your curiosity is where wealth is found. It’s how you unlock your creativity that’ll lead you to find your obsession.

People who aren’t curious just do the same shit over and over each day and never get anywhere, then why wonder why.

Overly skeptical people never get wealthy. aka people who think everything is a scam.

Society wants you to think starting a business or marketing online is a scam. So, you’ll choose the default path of a job and never follow your obsession.

Everyone is selling something. If you’re not trying to sell yourself or your products, you’re just doing it for someone else.

People without dreams and money are easier to manipulate.

Weak minds try an idea they’re skeptical of once, self-sabotage, then give up forever.

Solution 1- Stop being so skeptical of every opportunity.

Solution 2- When you try something risky and it doesn’t work, have some balls and try 100+ more times.

Personal beliefs are chains if you’re not careful.

If you look closely, the keys to those chains are right there next to you, all you have to do is pick them up. If you start breaking your own beliefs you’ll start reimagining your future.

You also should be taking care of your health especially with how hot it is in the summer. I have the best electrolytes you can put in your body. Use “cody” at checkout to save some money.


What’s the biggest ROI on investment?

It’s Easy. Improving Yourself.

Specifically your mindset. It’s a process for sure. It’s a process of unlearning all the thought patterns that keep you stuck.

For everyone, it’s painful to reprogram the voice in our heads.

Every time I had a meeting, I shared something or dreamt up something online. The voice in my head would tell me I was doing it wrong,

I made a fool of myself, there was no way I could do it.

It would be too hard. Too much work.

I started reprogramming that voice by:

  • Acknowledging its existence.
  • Believing that I had control to change it.
  • Shifted my negative self-talk into coaching myself.

Now it’s not perfect, it never will be. But it’s 100% better than it was.

Get an accountability partner. Your mom, spouse it doesn’t matter.

When I start having those thoughts I text them to my business coach and correct them.


Somewhere within you, you have a button.

When it gets pressed, things change. Your mindset goes from sluggish to a formula 1 driver in the blink of an eye.

Things change. Life changes. You switch on.

The secret is to discover what presses that button.

  • Which people
  • What topics/work
  • What times of the day

For me, it’s working and being very active and healthy. There is nothing like feeling really good everyday, a clear mind and focus on exactly what I need to get done. I’m my best when I’m lean, reading, journaling and building something. It’s therapy to me. I need it. That’s my obsession. Find yours.


Avoiding failure is like taking a journey across the country and avoiding any red lights.

Failure is necessary to learn.

It’s the emotion we assign to it that makes it painful.

What’s needed is a shift in the emotion.

Here’s the thing, most people fail and dwell.

They sit, worrying what people think about the fact they fell flat on their faces.

If you want to get ahead, reinvent failure.

Failure is just a data point of how not to do a certain thing.

Do that, and waste no time dwelling, you’ll skyrocket.

Let me ask you this. What would you be doing if you had ZERO fear?

Would you be doing what you’re doing today? At the same job?

Highly Unlikely.


Back in 2015 I had a meal-prep company and I couldn’t pay my rent because I decided to rent out a 300 sqft space for a retail store.

I had no idea how I was going to make it work or if I just made a terrible decision.

It got to the point where my landlord told me he was going to evict me and I would be on the street.

I’m not joking.

I was scared. A million thoughts were running through my head on what would happen to me.

But I told myself, if that happens then so be it. I would keep my clothes in my car,

Sleep on a cot in my store and shower at the gym early in the mornings before I opened.

Accept that when you wish for big things, fear is part of the journey. The most important realization is that fear isn’t an indication to retract, it’s an sign to act.

You can feel fear and show up anyway.


The biggest problem of a human being is that it is born to move but doesn’t want to move.

We love to sleep all day. We do not want to take action. We read thousands of books, but when it comes to implementation, all the lessons leak away.

The way to solve this laziness problem is by focusing on the future bad things and consequences.

You may not know what you want in life and that’s okay.

It’s a hard question.

But I guarantee you that you know exactly what you DON’T want in life.

So what do you need to do to prevent them from happening?

That’s it for this week. Thanks again for reading.

If this helped you please send it to someone in need.

Your Montana Friend,


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Have a positive week,


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